July 31, 2003

A 23-year old animal rights activist formerly called Karin Robertson has legally changed her name to GoVeg.com.

And I honestly don't know of anything else to say to that.

July 27, 2003

Much like Noah's Ark, ochius.com was gone for 40 days and 40 nights, only to resurface on top of a mountain and begin the release of monkeys and stuff.

The mountain, of course, is figurative.

But not the monkeys.

So yeah, Barry White died. Right after I got done making fun of him too. Not cool at all. I felt kind of bad about it when I first heard the news, but not really. Chazz broke it to me at our 4th of July BBQ, but he mistakenly said Barry Manilow had died. I was quite relieved to hear that it was in fact Barry White. Is that bad? Either way, there it is.

"holla @ my homies!"
Ugh. Stupid people.

Above: How I spent my time during ochius.com's server problems