I'd make a joke about Bill Cosby rapping about Jell-O Pudding Pops at this point, but the article beat me to the punch. Lame.
Anyway, I look forward to listening to this album. Apparently Cosby is taking it old school: "[H]e’s always been involved in music and he was there for the first generation of spoken word. ... He has always understood rap’s potential, but he was appalled by the foul language and the misogyny — the way people used a medium that could be used to elevate people, to open their eyes and provoke thought,” says producer Bill "Spaceman" Patterson, in this quote which I shamelessly lifted straight from the AP story.
Oh yeah, Bill Cosby won't actually be doing any of the rapping/singing/whatever you call the vocals in hip-hop music. He's commissioning actual hip-hop artists for that part. I was a little disappointed to learn that part, but it's probably much, much better off this way.