April 24, 2009

a psa from me to you

Behold, my first attempt at singing outside of a karaoke bar.

Remember, the only 100% effective protection is abstinence.

April 23, 2009

everything to be said has already been said, but i'm going to say something anyway

The other day, my friend mentioned to me that she was surprised I hadn't posted anything about the Miss USA pageant controversy, as it is standard practice for me to comment on such things. I had no idea what she was talking about, as I hadn't yet read the internets that day, so I made my way to YouTube to find the incident in question. And I must admit, I was more than a little disappointed. Sorry, but beauty queens stammering out goofy drivel has been a little played out this past year, and it really isn't worth my time to comment on such old-hat anymore.

But then tonight, while enjoying a generator of random images, I found this cartoon, and couldn't resist posting it:

So now you can be happy, Kris; I've commented on your pageant scandal. Now I'm going to bed.

April 20, 2009