July 9, 2008

QE for the SG

At least he tried to put a positive spin on it. In other news, I laugh too much in internet conversation.

July 8, 2008

"well open up the stick with your wife barrel"

I had Chinese food last night, and I got this fortune in my cookie. I think they accidentally got my fortune mixed up with someone else's.

Somewhere in Jersey, some Guido got a cookie that told him "YOU'D RATHER JUST SIT AROUND AT HOME AND READ FARK WITH NO PANTS ON".

July 7, 2008

Yello was unavailable for comment


Honestly, that was the most amusing 30 seconds of my month.

i want to be, under the sea

1) Scientists are giving Rubik's cubes to octopuses to see if they have a favorite tentacle (article).

2) I freaking love science!

3) Somewhere along the line, the English language officially abandoned 'octopi' in favor of 'octopuses', and nobody bothered to inform me of this change.

4) I hate how fickle the English language is.

5) But, scientists are giving Rubik's cubes to octopuses to see if they have a favorite tentacle!

6) That's so rad!

Above: an octopus working on a Rubik's cube puzzle.
This photo is completely unaltered, including the text.
The octopus was actually saying that when the picture was taken.

July 4, 2008

as american as apple pie, ADD, and obesity

Independence Day has a long and proud history of holiday tradition: Cholesterol, explosives, heat stroke, drunk driving, cheap ass plastic hats, and historically inaccurate chain emails about our Founding Fathers.

Call me unpatriotic*, but after seeing the same email go around year after year, I'm beginning to grow a little weary of that latter tradition. So my fellow Americans, allow me to introduce you to Snopes' dismantling of an American tradition. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

And happy Fourth, of course.

*Unpatriotic (adj.): believing in liberty, freedom, truth, responsibility, and the Constitution. see also: commie; libtard; fag; and Thomas Jefferson.

the day i looked the fool

One time when I was a kid, I was thumbing through our family calendar and noticed something fascinating when I got to July. "Guess what, Mom," I ran into the living room, excited to tell someone, "Independence Day and the Fourth of July fall on the same day this year!"