As I look forward into the future, I can't help but think the coming year will be a whole lot better than the three preceding it. As you may recall, 2007 was super lame, and 2008 was just as crummy, if not worse. Hope was in the cards for 2009, but the dealer fell asleep or something because those cards never made it to the table. This year, though, will be different. I can feel it in my guts, and it's not a naïve kind of wishful feeling like I had with 2009; this time, it's going to be good.
Really good. Possibly even-better-than-2006 good.
And while these predictions aren't necessarily related to how good the year will be, they will be a part of it in one way or another. Thus, it is my duty and pleasure to present to you...
Brent surprises everyone with big news concerning his vocation and/or a dame.
* Brent surprises absolutely no one with yet another round of STIs, this time including one or more that baffles
the entire field of medicine.
* No fewer than four engagements, at least two of which make people's heads explode in cognitive dissonance.
* I will utterly destroy at least one shirt and one pair of pants somehow. Questionable jokes naturally follow.
* Expensive maintenance on my car :-(
* Something I create gets published, but I don't benefit much from it.
* I am a member of a band for at least two days. Awkward coughing into a microphone almost certain.
* Someone I know dies, gets injured, or gets very sick. I hope I'm wrong about this one.
* Huge financial news that affects pretty much everyone. Better be something good.
* A major natural disaster shocks the world -- even cynical jerks like me. Obama will be criticized for it, regardless of where it takes place.
* A professional athlete faces a violent death, and
Mitt Romney makes national headlines. These two are in no way related, but I'm putting them in the same prediction just to spice things up a little.
* Polka polka polka!
* The out-of-control cab ride to hell that has been ladies' fashion this decade hits an all-time low, and even
Dov Charney must admit things are getting way too fugly for anyone's good.
* The Love Boat becomes relevant again, and nobody is better off for it.
* Only a moderate amount of madness, but a very liberal heaping of antics.