January 19, 2012

blackout lifted

Black it up, black it in, let me begin...

Thanks for participating in my honor system blackout (which according to Google Analytics was exactly the same as a normal day for this site). You may resume reading my amazing and wonderful prose now.

Also, enjoy this picture of a man entertaining seniors with an accordion:

Please don't even ask, because the answer is "I don't know."

January 18, 2012

site blackout in protest of SOPA/PIPA

I thought about blacking this site out today in protest of the disastrous SOPA/PIPA legislation that would effectively give the US government authority to censor the internet, but then I realized I'd probably forget to unblock it tomorrow, and then all like four of my followers would be out of luck until I remembered what I did sometime probably next April or so, and by the time I put the site back online, they'd all have unfollowed me on Google Reader and replaced my feed with LOLcats or something like that. So I decided to keep this site up today, and instead institute a...


Please do not read this blog on January 18 between the hours of 12:00AM and 11:59PM EST.

Go read haikus about lubed up dolphins somewhere else!