December 31, 2005

predictions for 2006...

* Brent gets a woman.

* Abe Vigoda still alive.

* Talk of impeachment, pointless squabbles follow.

* Somebody I know gets engaged. Probably someone nobody would expect.

* I get my college degree, but not without complications.

* Someone from the past returns to shake things up a bit.

* Conspiracies revealed in multiple levels of government, indictments follow.

* A respected actor, a beloved comedian, and an international icon will all die. People will freak out, saying, "They always die in threes," ignoring the plethora of famous people who die all the time by themselves.

* More great disasters, thousands more killed.

* Caleb gets a full time job, a bachelor pad, and an STD.

* Brent gets three STD's.

* Someone gets fired.

* A wish comes true, but so does one of those "be careful what you wish for" wishes.

* I win the respect of an adversary, but probably make new adversaries in the process.

* I make a new friend, who turns out to be a pretty good one.

* I exercise fairly regularly.

* A good shirt gets ruined in the laundry.

* Get Smart released on DVD.

* Something huge happens in Europe.

* Big news concerning toilets.

* Madness, sheer madness.

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