January 1, 2008

predictions for 2008

This is it! 2008 is going to be a great year; I can feel it! And even if it's only so-so, it'll seem like the year of jubilee coming after the most mediocre year I've ever seen in my life. Seriously, 2007 blew. But 2008 is going to rock. Hard.

And here's what will take place:

* I will get a new job. This job will be full time, and will pay enough that I only have to work the one job, and not two jobs. I will have time for hobbies, I will have a social life, and I'll actually have some of my paycheck left in the bank by the next payday. I've heard of that concept before; I think it's called "saving".

* Brent, of course, will contract yet another STI.

* Someone I know will get engaged. This seems like a pretty safe bet these days; it's like there's a contagion going around, and at least one or two friends get infected every year.

* I read at least one book in its entirety. This is a much more realistic prediction than last year's.

* Big energy breakthrough.

* I make a new friend or two, who turn out to be really good ones. Yeah, I predicted this last year and was wrong, but this year I'm getting a new job and a social life, remember?

* Caleb makes some music. And not the kind that comes from eating lots of beans and cabbage.

* Caleb eats lots of beans. Doubtful on the cabbage.

* Charles is a gentleman caller to a young lady. For at least 45 minutes.

* Someone fairly unlikely gets discovered and given no less than 15 minutes of fame. This is someone I know, not just some random fool like that bro who got tased.

* Absolute madness, mischief, and mayhem of the highest degree.

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