January 10, 2008

fast food: ads vs. reality

You ever notice how that sandwich never quite looks like the picture on the menu?

You're not alone. I stumbled upon this head-to-head comparison of 13 different fast food products' menu pictures and real-life counterparts, and things seem to be even worse than I remembered back in my fast food days. Here's a sample of the goodness that lies within:

Barf. And there's 12 more where that came from. Quoth the author:

Each item was purchased, taken home, and photographed immediately. Nothing was tampered with, run over by a car, or anything of the sort. It is an accurate representation in every case. Shiny, neon-orange, liquefied pump-cheese, and all.
Mmm, gotta love that shiney pump-cheese. Anyone else getting hungry? No? That's cool, I guess. Anyway. check out the full list, if you need inspiration for a diet or something: http://www.thewvsr.com/adsvsreality.htm

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