September 29, 2008

30% of your food will become courtney love

I have a bad habit of buying more food than I need when I go to the store. It's not a big deal when it comes to canned food and things like that, but when I buy more fresh food than I need, most of it ends up going bad before I have a chance to eat it. A group in Brazil has created fliers concerning this issue, which they've passed out to shoppers entering supermarkets. Apparently it's been pretty effective; I know I've changed my shopping habits after seeing these flyers.

You can click on the picture for the full size version.


  1. Bread is one of those things that amaze me--people bitching about how they can't eat a whole loaf before it goes bad because they live alone or just with their spouse.

    There's an easy solution, when you bring the bread home, take half of it and put it into a "Zip-Top Bag" as AB likes to say to avoid using brand names. Put the rest in the freezer, and rotate some out into the bag when you get down to just 2 slices left (or four slices if you have a flat-mate)

    Also I read on that same message board (the one where people were bitching about bread), that those produce bags you see advertised on the late-night tv are a lot of bollocks, too. Along with that chest expansion program

  2. I don't know how anybody could possibly be unable to get through a loaf of bread before it goes bad. Bread lasts a really long time (and I even buy the kind without preservatives)!

    Those produce bags actually do work, though.

  3. mmm

    You mean I shouldn't take grocery advice from the same people that elicited a "what the hell is wrong with you people?" response?
