September 30, 2008

now here's a rosh hashanah tradition i can get behind!

I logged into Myspace today, and saw that my friend Alison had posted this bulletin:

This was obviously enticing, so I clicked on the link, only to be greeted by one of the greatest headlines I've ever seen:
Woman Wearing Cow Suit Charged With Disorderly Conduct!
HA! That's gotta have a great story behind it, I thought to myself. And boy did it! Apparently a woman was arrested last night after pissing on her neighbor's porch, chasing children around the streets, and causing traffic problems. All while wearing a cow suit. For no apparent reason.

Shana Tova, cow lady.

1 comment:

  1. and she was still wearing the cow suit when they threw her into holding, apparently

    You know some other woman asked
    "So what are you in for?"
    "For being black"
