That's right, ol' Chius was the subject of some ancient graffiti. He's not the only one in his town to befall this fate, either. Turns out Pompeii was chock full of graffiti, much of which shows strikingly how little man has changed since ancient times. Here are some of my favorites:
(sources: 1, 2, 3)
O Chius, I hope that your ulcerous pustules reopen and burn even more than they did before!
Pyrrhus to his colleague Chius: I grieve because I hear you have died; and so farewell.
Whoever loves, go to hell. I want to break Venus' ribs with blows and deform her hips. If she can break my tender heart, why can't I hit her over the head?
Atimetus got me pregnant.
Litus, you are a mediocre man.
Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
We pissed our beds. I know, O Host, we were wrong.
Ask why? There was no chamber pot.
On the 9th of November Quintus Postumius invited Aulus Attius to have homosexual intercourse with me.
Celadus the Thracier makes the girls moan!
Someone at whose table I do not dine, Lucius Istacidius, is a barbarian to me.
Here Harpocras has had a good fuck with Drauca for a denarius.
Watch it, you that shits in this place! May you have Jove's anger if you ignore this.
Myrtis, you do great blow jobs.
We two dear men, friends forever, were here. If you want to know our names, they are Gaius and Aulus.
At Nuceria, near the Roman gate, is the district of Venus. Ask for Novellia Primigenia.
I screwed the barmaid. (written on a tavern wall)
Theophilus, don’t perform oral sex on girls against the city wall like a dog.
Marcus loves Spendusa.
Celadus the Thracian gladiator is the delight of all the girls.
I have buggered men. (written on someone's house)
If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girlfriend.
Secundus likes to screw boys.
I screwed a lot of girls here.
Sollemnes, you screw well!
If anyone sits here, let him read this first of all: if anyone wants a fuck, he should look for Attice; the price is four asses.
Epaphra, you are bald!
Phileros is a eunuch!
Samius to Cornelius: go hang yourself!
Epaphra is not good at ball games.
Secundus defecated here. (written three times on one wall!)
Apollinaris, the doctor of the emperor Titus, defecated well here.
O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffiti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin.
This is not a place for idlers. Leave, you who have nothing to do.
I always wondered how people got by in the days before