It seems Fidel Castro got a prank phone call from a Miami radio DJ, who was impersonating Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, claiming to have lost a suitcase on a recent jaunt to Argentina.
Ok, stop here. Does anybody else see a problem with this? Apparently any fool on the street can pick up the phone and call Fidel Castro direct. Is the guy listed in the White Pages or what? You'd think that getting a hold of a national dictator would require at least a little more effort. But I guess Castro just wouldn't be Castro if he couldn't be reached from foreign countries in three rings of the phone.
And if you have any doubts whether Castro is indeed a major idiot, allow me to put your doubts to rest with the following excerpt from the Agence-France Press (AFP):
"...Castro eventually hung up, ending the 25-minute conversation."
Twenty five freaking minutes. We all knew Castro's a knob, but even my moronic high school chum Ned Jubran would have figured it out in less than 25 minutes... and he's the one who thinks that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are black comedians.
God only knows how long the phone call would have lasted if the DJ didn't finally give in and tell Castro that he was being pranked! "You fell for it," he reportedly told the dictator. "...[T]he whole of Miami is listening to you, Fidel Castro."
Fidel Castro was not pleased. And perhaps the only thing funnier than Castro's actual reaction to the caller is the AFP's coverage of his reaction:
"'What did I fall for, you shit,' the irate Cuban leader answered, adding further crude expletives, including references to the anatomy of the host's mother," (AFP).
Now I just have to say, Fidel Castro is one funny bi-otch. Here he is on live radio, representing his country to thousands of American and Cuban listeners, and what does he do? He starts going nuts with language that'd make a sailor blush. I especially like the "yo momma" comment. That was a nice touch, Fidel. Real classy.
Man, what would we do without good ol' "Rockin' Johnny" Castro and his hilarious international escapades? With all the crap going on in the Middle East these days, it's nice to see that someone's keeping it real in the hilarity department. HAIL COMMUNISM!

Above: Cuban knob Fidel Castro, who may have yelled "Mother Shitter!" to a Miami DJ who prank called him on Wednesday.