"...[A]n account of the incident provided by the female officer in an interview... said Campos rushed into the woman's room and grabbed her breasts. The woman said she struck Campos in the groin with her knee, causing him to enter the woman's bathroom and vomit." (Reuters)
The tool gives a different account of the incident. In his version, he never grabbed her ta-ta's, he never got kneed in the Charlies, and he never vomited. And it gets better: SeƱor Pervo turns it around and blames her for misconduct! "She was totally up in my junk," he says. "She wanted me like a polar bear wants a new set of snow shoes." (Note: this quote was made up for the purpose of demonstrating how big of a tool Mr. Boobieman is).
NBC says this new twist in the saga of sucky reality TV will not be announced on-air, nor will it affect the show in any way. Which begs the question: why the crap are you wasting all of our time with this "news" if it bears no consequence? Why is this story making front page headlines, while we've got Osama bin Laden and Michael Eisner stockpiling weapons of mass destruction, story on page F-17?
Someone must be really bored in the newsroom...

Above: Reality TV tool Rob Campos, who enjoys groping women's boobs both on-air in NBC's For Love Or Money, and off-air in the United States Marine Corps. (Reuters photo)
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